WE CAN offers workshops throughout the year. Topics range from job search techniques to managing stress. Workshops are led by community experts. To attend a workshop, please register by calling 508-430-8111 or emailing
It feels empowering to be in control of my own finances!
Power Within Her Info Sessions
January 27th | 12:00 - 1:00pm
Location: via ZOOM
February 3rd | 4:00 - 5:00pm
Location: Hyannis
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer Patricia Anglin
Join our next Power Within Her group starting Feb. 24! This 8-week workshop with certified coach Patricia Anglin helps you set goals, reflect, and grow in a supportive space. Mondays, Feb. 24 – April 14, 4:00–6:00 PM in Hyannis.
To register, call 508-430-8111 or email
Financial Matters Relating to Divorce
Wednesday, February 19
5:00 - 6:30pm | Location: Hyannis
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer Carmela Zezze
Empowering women to understand their financial status and learn how to use the tools and information to become financially independent. The workshop will go over credit scores and how bankruptcy and divorces affects your financial position when it comes to credit and what you can do to help to increase credit score as well as learn how to budget for housing.
To register: email or call 508-430-8111.
Visão Geral sobre Direito de Família e Imigração
Thursday, February 27
4:30 - 6:00pm | Location: Hyannis
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer Gabriella Bonfim Moraes
Este workshop abordará o processo de divórcio, fornecerá uma visão geral dos principais termos jurídicos, bem como informações sobre guarda dos filhos e outras questões legais relacionadas à família.
Além disso, o workshop abordará o processo de obtenção de residência permanente por meio de um relacionamento familiar. Solicitar ao governo que familiares próximos possam imigrar, obter residência permanente, trabalhar, entre outros, é um processo estressante e cheio de dúvidas. Quanto tempo levará para trazer meu familiar para os EUA? É melhor solicitar um ajuste de status ou seguir o processo consular no meu país de origem? O que devo fazer se meu familiar estiver enfrentando deportação? Como podemos solicitar a residência permanente? Este workshop permitirá que você obtenha respostas para suas perguntas em português.
To register: email or call 508-430-8111.
Understanding Financial Statements in Divorce: A Practical Overview
Thursday, March 6
5:00 - 6:30pm | Location: Hyannis
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer Crissa Morton
An general overview of understanding and managing financial statements during the divorce process. You’ll gain practical insight into understanding and analyzing key components such as income, assets, and liabilities. Time for Q & A at the end.
To register: email or call 508-430-8111.
Housing Finance for Seniors
Tuesday, March 18
11:00am - 12:30pm | Location: Hyannis
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer Bob Tranchell
Living on the Cape is a rich and unique experience. Many set a goal to live out their years on Cape in the home they love. Retirement, however, can be challenging. Living on Social Security alone or with a small amount of savings can be difficult if not impossible. At the same time home values have risen, giving you access to tremendous equity. This workshop will explore the options available to retirees to tap the equity in their homes to enhance retirement. It will enlighten on the immense benefits of integrating home equity into retirement strategies. Home equity management can provide you with the dignity, enhanced quality of life, and enduring financial security you deserve.
To register: email or call 508-430-8111.
Navigating the Probate Process and Inheritance: What happens after the loss of a loved one?
Wednesday, March 26
5:00 - 6:30pm | Location: Hyannis
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer Chantal Hayes Rice
This workshop will help you to develop a roadmap to navigate the probate process. Leaving you feeling more prepared and knowledgeable about what the next steps are legally after the loss of a loved one. Time at the end for Q & A.
To register: email or call 508-430-8111.
Family Law Overview
Wednesday, February 12
5:00 - 6:30pm | Location: Hyannis
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer attorney Nicole Norkevicius
“Everything Women Want to Know about Family Law but Are Afraid to Ask”
This free workshop will provide an overview of key family law topics, including custody, support, and divorce. Participants will learn essential legal terms and gain valuable insights into navigating family law matters. Time will be set aside for a Q & A session, giving you the opportunity to ask questions in a supportive and informative environment.
To register: email or call 508-430-8111.
Fiscal Fitness: Checking the Pulse on your Finances
Tuesday, February 25
5:00 - 6:30pm | Location: Brewster
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer Deb Malloy
How do you start gaining control over your financial future? Do you have confidence that you are saving enough, or concerned that you are carrying too much credit card debt? Buy or lease? Refinance debt?
The more you know, the easier it is to make important decisions. This workshop will help you to diagnose your financial condition, and create a plan to address your needs. Your financial health is important, and you can empower yourself by understanding your money behaviors.
To register: email or call 508-430-8111.
Financial Wellness: Saving for your future
Wednesday, March 5
5:00 - 6:30pm | Location: ZOOM
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer Tess Conwell
Discover practical strategies to build savings and secure your financial future. This workshop covers building a financial foundation to achieve smart saving techniques to help you achieve long-term financial wellness. Interactive workshop and time for Q & A.
To register: email or call 508-430-8111.
From Resume to Interview: Strategies for Success
Four Thursdays Work Support Series
All sessions 5:00 - 6:30pm | Location: Hyannis
March 13 | Resumes
March 20 | LinkedIN
March 27 | Searching for a job/Changing careers
April 3 | Interviewing in person/Zoom
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteer Julie DeSorgher
This free, four-week workshop series (participants can register for one workshop, multiple or the entire series) will explore the life cycle of the job search, from resume development to transitioning into a new position. You will come away with: a professional resume and optimized Linked In profile; new interview and networking skills; and a broader understanding of the entire job search process.
To register: email or call 508-430-8111.
Compradores de Casa pela Primeira Vez
Tuesday, March 18
5:00 - 6:30pm | Location: Hyannis
Facilitated by WE CAN volunteers Daniela Morais, Marcia Prette, & Bergson Marcelino
Uma visão geral explicando o processo de compra de uma casa, as etapas para adquirir um imóvel, uma introdução ao mercado imobiliário, preparação financeira e planejamento do orçamento, pontuação de crédito e uma visão geral das opções de financiamento imobiliário. Haverá um tempo no final para perguntas e respostas.
To register, please email Andreia Gurski at or call 508-430-8111
*This workshop will be facilitated in Portuguese*