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Legal Services

Through the generosity of Cape attorneys who donate their time, WE CAN offers free legal services to low and moderate income women, including one-to-one sessions with an attorney and legal workshops facilitated by an attorney.

The attorney was very patient and knowledgeable and took time to explain things I didn’t know. I learned options I didn’t even know I had.


One-to-One Sessions

Our free 30-minute one-to-one consultations with an attorney are designed to help you get targeted advice on legal issues, so you can know your rights. Our volunteer attorneys each know different types of law. Call our office at 508-430-8111 so we can find the attorney who is right for your needs. Legal topics include:

  • Family Law

  • Wills and Estates

  • Landlord-Tenant

  • Immigration

  • Bankruptcy

  • Elder Law

  • Business Law

  • Grandparent’s Rights

  • Real Estate

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Legal Workshops

WE CAN offers legal workshops on a variety of topics, at different times throughout the year. Check our website or call us at 508-430-8111 to find out when our next workshops are scheduled. Workshops are facilitated by experienced attorneys with expertise in the subject matter. Past workshops include:

  • Family Law Overview: “Everything Women Want to Know about Family Law but Are Afraid to Ask.”

  • Legal Issues Facing Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

  • Divorce Boot Camp: a four-hour workshop for women in the early stages of getting a divorce. (This workshop will return when we are able to schedule it as an in-person workshop).

  • Business Law Workshop: for entrepreneurs and small business owners

  • Women’s Planning Workshop: Wills and Estate Planning

  • Employment Law

  • Money Matters: the interplay between child support & alimony

© 2024 WE CAN

WE CAN is a registered 501 (c)(3): 31-1777179




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