WE CAN received a gift from Tony and Loraine Shepley in memory of Tony's mother, Mary Waters Shepley. The above quote is on the plaque that will hang in a place of honor in our Hyannis program space. The Shepley Family made this bequest "in the spirit of inspiring other women to meet their challenges and to succeed in their lives."
We know YOU CAN overcome challenges and meet your goals and WE CAN can help! Do you want to start a new business, change careers, get your finances in order, or expand your circle of support?
Schedule a one-to-one appointment with one of our dedicated volunteers to get you started:
Financial Planners
Career and Work Coaches
Experienced Business Owners
Personal Development Specialists
Call (508-430-8111) or email to make an appointment! All services are free, confidential and provided regardless of immigration status. Look on our website or further in this email for a schedule of workshops. While you are building your next pathway to success, WE CAN can support you.