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empoderamiento de las mujeres

Desde 2001, WE CAN ha apoyado a mujeres que atraviesan importantes transiciones en la vida y tiempos difíciles. Servimos a mujeres de todas las edades y brindamos servicios únicos y gratuitos, como tutoría, apoyo legal, financiero y laboral, desarrollo personal y referencias a otros recursos del área.

Voices of WE CAN, 2023

Voices of WE CAN, 2023

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Hear the powerful VOICES of Pat, Annie, Chantal, Michele, Diane and Julie, six of our participants who shared their stories of empowerment and how WE CAN helped them on their journey to build pathways to stability and self-sufficiency in their lives.

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Que hacemos

La combinación de programas, talleres y servicios de WE CAN se adapta a las necesidades de cada mujer, con el objetivo de fomentar la independencia. Más del 73% de los participantes reciben más de un servicio de WE CAN.

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Legal Services

Family law, elder law, landlord & tenant issues, bankruptcy, wills & estates, guardianship and more



Programs facilitated by experts on a variety of topics to help women move forward in their lives

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Work & Career Support

Job search, resume building, career/business related issues


Mentoring & Personal Development

Programs include personal development and our PathMakers mentoring program


Financial Empowerment

Budgeting, debt management and financial knowledge


Small Business Support

Support for women in business and women-owned businesses

PODEMOS darme paz en forma de claridad y esperanza en forma de información sin juicio. Me sentí escuchado, aceptado y empoderado para seguir adelante.

Que hacemos

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